Friday, August 24, 2007

Roommate from HELL

I started school yesterday and let me tell you I was really not looking forward to going back. I'm only taking two classes this semester . . . due to a really complicated situation that I'll explain at a later day. My life is crazy and really stressful, mostly because of my roommate Rochelle. I'm going to try really hard to be nice about this. So here is the story. She expressed a want to move out by the end of July, so I posted a roommate wanted add on craigslist. My other roommate, Lindsay, and I held interviews and found this really cool, responsible and nice chick to move in on August 21st. In the meantime Rochelle got and lost two jobs. She is still out of work and for all I can see is not actively looking for work. She she leaves a note on my door about 3 days before the new girl is supposed to move in and tells me due to her lack of work she won't be able to move out right now, sorry! WTF! She moves in in less than 3 days and you already agreed to move out, what do you think you can live here rent free? Not to mention the fact that she still owes Lindsay and I over $600. We tried to talk to her about the situation, but she refuses to communicate with us. We have talked with the landlords and with a lawyer and there is really no way to get her out because she is on the lease. She is a deadbeat, nympho, drug addict slob and we are stuck with her until she decided to leave. I am at my wits and and can't wait to kick her ass out! She is a lazy bitch and makes me so angry I punch walls and can't stop the tears from falling.

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